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My Game Plan - Glossary

Definitions of the features and variables used in My Game Plan

Written by Jurre van Laarhoven
Updated over a week ago

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What is the added value of My Game Plan?

In My Game Plan, you are in control of the analysis. By building your own query, you can identify events of interest that meet your requirements related to a given Game Phase. In this way, we enable you to extract data-driven actionable insights based on the game principles that are relevant to you.

The categories and their variables are explained in this glossary. The My Game Plan introduction article explains how to use these when building your own analyses. Click on the button below to get started if you haven't already.

Where to find the definitions of features and variables used?

If you hover over one of the columns in the table, you get a tooltip with a short explanation of the feature/variable used.

Which Game Phases are supported and how are they defined?

We currently support four different Game Phases, as listed below. For every Game Phase, the definitions of the Game Phase as well as the individual variables that can be used are explained in more detail.

Game Phase



Every sequence where the team is in possession of the ball, executes at least 2 successful passes and/or dribbles, over a duration of at least 5 seconds.

Transition from Attack to Defense

Every sequence where a team loses possession in an open play transition *, resulting in an attack of the opponent that features at least 2 successful passes and/or dribbles, and has a duration of at least 5 seconds.


Currently only scoped at team pressing. Every game-phase where the opponent has the ball, and starts a sequence from either a goal-kick, throw-in or free-kick on the own half, or from a keep ball situation **. Requires the first event of the sequence to be successful.

Transition from Defense to Attack

Every sequence where a team gains possession in an open play transition, resulting in an attack that features at least 2 successful passes and / or dribbles, and has a duration of at least 5 seconds.

* Open play transition: any change of possession that happens in-bounds, without a foul being called by the referee.

** keep ball situation: an open play transition where the ball possessing team plays the ball backwards, “unpacking” all opponents. In other words, an open play transition that ends in a situation where all defenders are behind the ball and a new attack starts.


Every sequence where the team is in possession of the ball, executes at least 2 successful passes and/or dribbles, over a duration of at least 5 seconds.

Query Conditions:

  • Final zone penetration → Indicates if the final third of the field (from the perspective of the possessing team), was penetrated through dribbling or passing during the possession sequence.

  • Potential opportunity score → The maximally achieved potential opportunity score during the possession sequence. The potential opportunity score ranges from 0-1, and indicates for every individual event how big the potential is to create a scoring opportunity from that position.

  • Final event of the attack → The event ending the possession sequence (i.e. goal, cross, ball out etc.).

  • Number of passes in attack → The number of passes in a possession sequence.

  • Number of dribbles in attack → The number of dribbles in a possession sequence.

  • Number of passes & dribbles in attack → The number of passes & dribbles in a possession sequence.

Transition from Attack to Defense

Every sequence where a team loses possession in an open play * transition, resulting in an attack of the opponent that features at least 2 successful passes and / or dribbles, and has a duration of at least 5 seconds.

Query Conditions:

  • Ball retrieval → If true, ball is retrieved within 10 seconds, without conceding a shot, a goal-box penetration or a score-box penetration. This is considered to be successful counter-pressure.

  • Conceded Shot → indicates if a shot was conceded in either the attack or in the first 10 seconds after transition (option as selected by the user).

  • Final Zone Penetration → indicates if a final third penetration was conceded in either the attack or in the first 10 seconds after transition (option as selected by the user).

  • Number of pressing players → The number of defending players that have a mean pressing value >= 20% aggregated over the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Pressing duration → The number tracking frames where the pressing intensity is >= 20%, in the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Pressing speed → The speed of movement averaged over all pressing players, aggregated over the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Pressure on the ball → The pressing intensity on the ball, averaged over all pressing players. Pressing intensity (0-100%) is computed by identifying if a player is in the vicinity of the ball (<= 5 meter), and subsequently dividing the euclidean distance between pressing player and the ball by 5, multiplied by 100.

  • Ball retrieval time → The time from the start until the end of the sequence.

  • Number of outplayed opponents in first 3 events → The number of outplayed opponents by the possessing team in the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Team Surface in 5 seconds after transition → The average surface-area of the team (convex hull), computed over all outfield players and aggregated over the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Last-6 Surface in 5 seconds after transition → The average space between the defensive & midfield line (assuming a 4-3-3 formation), aggregated over the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Last-4 Defensive Alignment offset in 5 seconds after transition → The alignment of the last 4 outfield players, computed as the average longitudinal (x-axis) distance to the offside line, aggregated over the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Space to offside surface in 5 seconds after transition → The average surface area of the defensive line (assuming a 4-3-3 formation), aggregated over the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Forward displacement of the opponents in the first 5 seconds after transition → The longitudinal ball displacement in the first 5 seconds after transition. Can be negative.

  • Number of opposing on ball events before retrieval → The total number of events in the possession sequence.

  • Coverage of off-ball players → The average coverage aggregated over all opposing players. The coverage is computed using the same definition as pressure, but with the reference point being the location of the opposing player and not the ball. It is then average over all players, and aggregated over the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Event resulting in turnover → The event causing the transition (last even of the previous sequence).


Every game-phase where the opponent has the ball, and starts a sequence from either a goal-kick, throw-in or free-kick on their own half, or from a keep ball situation **. Requires the first event of the sequence to be successful. Currently only scoped at team pressing

Query Conditions:

  • Pressure Zone → The pressure zone in a sequence is defined based on the position of the attacking line at the end of the event that starts the sequence. For example, if a new sequence is started by a short goal kick, the pressure zone is identified at the moment the goal kick is received. If the average position of the most forward 3 players of the pressing team is in the 4th quarter of the field (as seen from their own goal), the pressure zone is ‘High Zone’. If the average position is in the 3th quarter of the field, the pressure zone is ‘Mid Zone’. Other pressure zones are currently not supported in the performance center, but we can also recognize ‘Low Zone’ pressure if the attacking line is positioned in the 2nd quarter.

  • Start event → The event type of the first event in the sequence. Can be goal kick, free kick, throw in or keep ball possession.

  • Start region → Indicates where the possession sequence starts, from the perspective of the pressing team. Can be the final third or the opponent's half.

Outcome (successful or failed pressure):

  • Ball won on flank in pressure zone [successful pressure] → The possession sequence ends on the attacking half (from the perspective of the pressing team), in the half-space or flank region. No half-penetration by the possessing team is achieved.

  • Ball won in center in pressure zone [successful pressure] → The possession sequence ends on the attacking half (from the perspective of the pressing team), in the center region. No half-penetration by the possessing team is achieved.

  • Ball was played long and retrieved by the defense [successful pressure] → the possession sequence ends in a long pass that is intercepted on the defending half (from the perspective of the pressing team).

  • Ball switches sides successfully [failed pressure] → The possessing team manages to switch sides and penetrate the defending half (from the perspective of the pressing team).

  • Ball played long successfully [failed pressure] → The possessing team manages to play the ball long and penetrate the defending half (from the perspective of the pressing team).

  • Opponent-zone progression through short passing [failed pressure] → The possessing team manages to penetrate the defending half (from the perspective of the pressing team) through short passing.

Transition from Defense to Attack

Every sequence where a team gains possession in an open play transition, resulting in an attack that features at least 2 successful passes and / or dribbles, and has a duration of at least 5 seconds.

Query Conditions:

  • Final zone penetration → Indicates if the final third of the field (from the perspective of the possessing team), was penetrated through dribbling or passing during the possession sequence.

  • Potential opportunity score → The maximally achieved potential opportunity score during the possession sequence. The potential opportunity score ranges from 0-1, and indicates for every individual event how big the potential is to create a scoring opportunity from that position.

  • Final event of the attack → The event ending the possession sequence (i.e. goal, cross, ball out etc.)

  • Event resulting in turnover → The event-type that initiates the transition moment.

  • Forward displacement of the ball in the first 5 seconds after transition → The longitudinal ball displacement in the first 5 seconds after transition. Can be negative.

  • Number of passes in 5 seconds after transition → The number of passes in the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Number of dribbles in 5 seconds after transition → The number of dribbles in the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Number of passes & dribbles in 5 seconds after transition → The number of passes & dribbles in the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Long ball in 5 seconds after transition → True if there is a long ball in the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Ball switched sides in 5 seconds after transition → True if there is a switch of play in the first 5 seconds after transition.

  • Number of deep runs in 5 seconds after transition → The number of runs on the attacking half, that end in front of the ball, in the first 5 seconds after transition.

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