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Total Distance and Max Speed
Written by Jurre van Laarhoven
Updated over a week ago

Navigate to feature: Match Center > Physical Report > Choose Game Phase > Players

Within the Physical Report section, you are now able to analyse the Total distance (m) of your team and individual players.

As shown below, we have navigated to our chosen match and game phases (attacking > defense). Here we can see how Team A's players performed in terms of Max Speed during the match (highlighted in blue) as well as in other matches this season and the season average (highlighted in white).

Figure 1. Team A's players by Max Speed in Attack > Defense versus Team B

Furthermore, you can also switch between other game phases on the left-hand side to see how each player, or the team, performs in different phases. This could be useful when applying tactical context to the game - for example, we want our players' Max Speed to be particularly high in Attack to Defense so we are not being caught on the counter-attack.

In the top right-hand corner you can use the dropdown menu to also switch between metrics. Within this update we have added the Total Distance (m) which can provide further insight into each player's workload, effort within the game and provide objective information to apply within the tactical context of the match.

You can view each definition for Physical variables here.

If you have any questions about the information above, please contact us via email at

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