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Physical Data

Downloadable csv file with aggregated physical variables.

Written by Jurre van Laarhoven
Updated over 3 years ago

The downloadable physical data combines the physical data with tactical context.

What is included in the physical data files?


In the most left column, all players of one team are listed.


The match is divided into parts of 5 minutes. After the first half, the extra time after each match half is summed up in the last part "45".


For each 5 minute part the distance in meters ( 'Distance(m)' ) and distance per minute in meters ( 'Distance/min (m)' ) is provided.

Gross Distance

Gross distance is defined as the gross distance of a player within the 5 minutes. All meters are summed up regardless of the ball is in play or not. All meters when the ball is 'alive' and when the ball is 'dead'.

Net Distance

Net distance is defined as the net distance of a player within the 5 minutes. All meters when the ball is 'alive' are summed. Ball alive is true when the ball is on the field and is moving.


When the opposing team is in ball possession (>5 sec) and therefore the player is in the defending team.


When the own team is in ball possession (>5 sec) and therefore the player is in the attacking team.

Speed Zones
The speed zones are divided into the following speed ranges. Within these zones, the distance covered is being calculated.
0 - 3.6 km/h
3.6 - 7.0 km/h
7.0 - 15.0 km/h
15.0 - 20.0 km/h
20.0 - 25.0 km/h

For all categories, these zones are provided.

Number of Runs & Sprints

Additional to the distance per zone the .csv file also provides a count of the 3 highest zones. Per 5 minutes the runs/sprints above a certain threshold are being counted. A run or sprint is only counted when the threshold is met for at least 1 second. For example, when a player in running at a speed of 15 km/h for at least 1 second this is a 'Run'. If a player reached the speed of 25 km/h for at least 1 second this would count as a 'Sprint'.

Where do I find the .csv files?

The detailed 'physical data' files are attached to the match and can be found in the Data Center.

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