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Speed zones and thresholds

Substantiation of the default velocity settings.

Written by Jurre van Laarhoven
Updated over a week ago

Zone settings and defaults 

In order to better interpret position data, arbitrary speed zones are often used in addition to the (unambiguous) ‘total distance’ to gain more insight into the intensity of the load. For example, acceleration zones, sprint categories, and heart rate zones can be defined. All of these zones are arbitrary but are often chosen for a reason, whether or not because it is often used in (scientific) literature.

The purpose of this wiki is to substantiate and justify the choice of default settings that are used in the SciSports Performance Center. 

A set of default absolute thresholds allows us to compare within and between players and teams. For both the short term and for a more longitudinal comparison. 

Velocity zones

Various speed zones are used in the scientific literature (1, 2, 3) to indicate the intensity. These values are often chosen on the basis of a rounded number in meters per second. E.g. transition from walking / running to jogging at 2 m/s (= 7.2 km/h) and transition from jogging to running at 4 m/s (= 14.4 km/h). In practice, most professionals, such as trainers/coaches, are mainly used to km/h, and the previous classification is less logical, and therefore a rounded number in km/h is often used.

Obviously, one universal and widely accepted set of thresholds is desired. Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive review of the industry and relevant associations (FIFA, KNVB).  In addition, we consulted leading academics in this area. 

After a comprehensive review of the industry, associations (FIFA, KNVB), and consultation with leading academics in this area we set the SciSports default thresholds as follows:

*The thresholds for women are not implemented yet in the SciSports Performance Center (SPC).

  1. di Prampero PE, Fusi S, Sepulcri L, Morin JB, Belli A, Antonutto G. Sprint running: a new energetic approach. J Exp Biol. 2005; 208(Pt 14):2809–16. doi:10.1242/jeb.01700.

  2. Karl M. Stagno , Rhys Thatcher & Ken A. van Someren (2007) A modified TRIMP to quantify the in-season training load of team sport players, Journal of Sports Sciences, 25:6, 629-634, DOI: 10.1080/02640410600811817

  3. Osgnach, C., S. Poser, R. Bernadini, R. Rinaldo, and P. E. DI Prampero. Energy Cost and Metabolic Power in EliteSoccer: A New Match Analysis Approach. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 170–178, 2010.

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