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Club Index

How to extract data-driven actionable insights using the Club Index?

Written by Jurre van Laarhoven
Updated over 8 months ago

*Only available as a Premium feature

How does this player fit in our profile and does the player have the quality to play at a certain position for my club? To answer this question, SciSports has developed the Club Index.

The Club Index is a weighted average of a player's performance (see image below) on all key parameters selected for a profile. Through the Club Index, customers can create their own custom statistics that remain exclusive to them. Users can bring their football philosophy to life by creating position-specific profiles for the different roles in their team.

You can use the Club Index to see exactly how well a player fits your customized profile for a specific position, or you can directly filter players who score above a certain club fit score.

What is the added value of the Club Index?

The Club Index is a powerful feature that allows users to see immediately, based on a score, whether the player meets the club's football philosophy. Clubs and agencies can now efficiently find players that match their DNA in a cost-effective way through data-based scouting.

Where can you find the Club Index?

The Club Index is available in two sections in the Recruitment Platform:

  • Player List: Filter on players with a minimum Club Index per profile.

  • Player Page: Graph of Club Index for all profiles for the related positions

Player List

Player Page

If you have not yet selected the Club Index on the Player Page, you need to do so before the Club Index becomes visible. You can do this by clicking on the right-hand icon 'Customize Order'.

After clicking on the icon, a window opens where you can activate the Club Index by clicking on the checkbox. The Club Index now appears at the top of the player page.

How to get started?

The process starts with translating your football philosophy into specific player attributes and key points per position. Our football and data experts will guide you in converting this, from football language to SciSports information..

Once the position profiles are defined, we will work with you to create your Club Index per position based on relevant information for each position. For each profile, the importance per metric is determined on 3 indicators:

  • High: Crucial aspect for this profile

  • Medium: Important aspect for this profile

  • Low: Slightly important aspect for this profile

Your scouting can now focus only on relevant player attributes & statistics that are weighted according to their importance for that role.

Tabel 1: Player attributes & statistics



Short pass

Middle long pass

Long pass

Direct pass

Switch of play

Build-up pass

Chance creation pass

Pass into final third

Deep completion

Pass in or around the box

First pass after recovery


Early cross

Late cross

Cutback cross



Dribble past opponent

Cut inside

Dribble into the box

Create overload


Close shot

Long distance shot

Offensive header

Offensive header from set piece

Close shot not from cross

Finish cross

Ball retention

Dangerous ball loss in own half

Risky ball loss in opponent half

Offensive positioning

Overlapping run

Underlapping run

Reception in the final third

Positioning in the final third

Positioning in the halfspace

Positioning in the box


Defensive positioning

Suppress passing

Suppress crossing

Suppress dribbling

Suppress finishing

Open-play disruption

Blocking shots

Disruption in own box

Disruption of box penetrations

Disruption of long balls

Open-play defense in air

Set-pieces disruption

Set-piece defense in own box

Set-piece defense in air

Transition forcing

Transition forcing in air

Regain possession

Counter control

Counter interceptions on own half

Counter interceptions on opponent half


Physical indicators



Definitions of each action type can be found here.

If a player performs well or badly on a crucial metric for the position profile, this has a positive or negative impact on the weighted average. However, if the player performs well or badly but the metric is not selected, this has no impact.

Tabel 2: Impact metric

Important metric

Unimportant metric

Good performance

Positive impact

No effect

Bad performance

Negative impact

No effect

The maximum score a player can achieve is 100, meaning that the player achieves the highest scores on all key metrics during a selected season.

We hope this new feature will help you optimize your workflow. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, please contact us at

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