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What is SciSkill Development?

An explanation into SciSkill Development

Written by Jurre van Laarhoven
Updated over a week ago

The SciSkill rating measures the influence of a player on their team. A player’s SciSkill Development shows the change in SciSkill over the last six months. Positive SciSkill development shows that the influence of the player on their team is increasing. A negative SciSkill development indicates that the influence of the player is decreasing.

Increasing SciSkill will result in a positive value shown in green, whereas a decrease in SciSkill will result in a negative value shown in red.

As shown in the example below, Leah Williamson experienced a positive development over the past 6 months. This could be due to more playing time or higher performance across the games she played. On the other hand, a negative development can be related to less playing time, bad performance or transferring to a weaker league.

The SciSkill development chart is accompanied by a specific take-away to help you contextualise the chart. In this example, the player shows an increase in SciSkill of 7.2 over the last 6 months, which we categorise as a “significant development”. The definition of “significant development” is a SciSkill development between 5 and 10. All possible take-aways and their definitions are shown in the table below.

Range (SciSkill development)


> 10

Rapid development in SciSkill

5 <> 10

Significant development in SciSkill

2 <> 5

Minor development in SciSkill

0 <> 2

Minimal development in SciSkill


No development nor decline in Sci Skill

-0.5 <> 0

Minimal decline in SciSkill

-2 <> -0.5

Minor decline in SciSkill

-5 <> -2

Significant decline in SciSkill

< -5

Rapid decline in SciSkill

To provide more insights into the player's development over time, you are able to view historical Potential estimations for the player. With this functionality you can spot former talents whose SciSkill never reached the level of the Potential we predicted in their early years. This could happen for players who made some poor decisions early on in their career, by moving to teams where they did not play, suffering a long-term injury or moving to leagues where league strength was not high enough.

On the same detailed page, you can search for players or teams to benchmark the player’s SciSkill development against. By doing so, you can easily check how the player’s development relates to that of a known player, or to the skill level of a known team.

In the case of Dudek and Williamson, both players have similar career development although we notice from the graph that the England captain started her progression at a younger age. All in all, both are performing at a world class level and there is very little difference between the pair right now.

Within this comparison, the graphs are able to provide more context around the level of each player and offer a snapshot insight into their previous years within professional football.

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